Solutions to Scala with Cats: Chapter 5
April 5, 2023These are my solutions to the exercises of chapter 5 of Scala with Cats.
Table of Contents
Exercise 5.4: Transform and Roll Out
We can rewrite Response
using a monad transformer as follows:
import scala.concurrent.Future
type Response[A] = EitherT[Future, String, A]
We can implement getPowerLevel
as follows. Note that we need an implicit
in scope so that we can have an instance of Functor
, even if we just create our Future
s with Future.successful
doesn’t need one). We are using the global ExecutionContext
for convenience.
def getPowerLevel(autobot: String): Response[Int] =
powerLevels.get(autobot) match {
case Some(powerLevel) => EitherT.right(Future.successful(powerLevel))
case None => EitherT.left(Future.successful(s"Autobot $autobot is unreachable"))
To implement canSpecialMove
we can request the power levels of each autobot
and check if their sum is greater than 15. We can use flatMap
on EitherT
which makes sure that errors being raised on calls to getPowerLevel
stop the
sequencing and have canSpecialMove
return a Response
with the appropriate
error message.
def canSpecialMove(ally1: String, ally2: String): Response[Boolean] =
for {
powerLevel1 <- getPowerLevel(ally1)
powerLevel2 <- getPowerLevel(ally2)
} yield (powerLevel1 + powerLevel2) > 15
To implement tacticalReport
, we need to produce a String
from a Future
, so
we must use Await
import scala.concurrent.Await
import scala.concurrent.duration._
def tacticalReport(ally1: String, ally2: String): String = {
Await.result(canSpecialMove(ally1, ally2).value, 5.seconds) match {
case Left(msg) =>
s"Comms error: $msg"
case Right(true) =>
s"$ally1 and $ally2 are ready to roll out!"
case Right(false) =>
s"$ally1 and $ally2 need a recharge."