Solutions to Scala with Cats: Chapter 2
April 3, 2023These are my solutions to the exercises of chapter 2 of Scala with Cats.
Table of Contents
- Exercise 2.3: The Truth About Monoids
- Exercise 2.4: All Set for Monoids
- Exercise 2.5.4: Adding All the Things
Exercise 2.3: The Truth About Monoids
For this exercise, rather than defining instances for the proposed types, I
defined instances for Cats’ Monoid
directly. For that purpose, we need to
import cats.Monoid
For the Boolean
type, we can define 4 monoid instances. The first is boolean
or, with combine
being equal to the application of the ||
operator and
being false
val booleanOrMonoid: Monoid[Boolean] = new Monoid[Boolean] {
def combine(x: Boolean, y: Boolean): Boolean = x || y
def empty: Boolean = false
The second is boolean and, with combine
being equal to the application of the
operator and empty
being true
val booleanAndMonoid: Monoid[Boolean] = new Monoid[Boolean] {
def combine(x: Boolean, y: Boolean): Boolean = x && y
def empty: Boolean = true
The third is boolean exclusive or, with combine
being equal to the application
of the ^
operator and empty
being false
val booleanXorMonoid: Monoid[Boolean] = new Monoid[Boolean] {
def combine(x: Boolean, y: Boolean): Boolean = x ^ y
def empty: Boolean = false
The fourth is boolean exclusive nor (the negation of exclusive or), with
being equal to the negation of the application of the ^
operator and
being true
val booleanXnorMonoid: Monoid[Boolean] = new Monoid[Boolean] {
def combine(x: Boolean, y: Boolean): Boolean = !(x ^ y)
def empty: Boolean = true
To convince ourselves that the monoid laws hold for the proposed monoids, we can
verify them on all instances of Boolean
values. Since they’re only 2 (true
and false
), it’s easy to check them all:
object BooleanMonoidProperties extends App {
final val BooleanValues = List(true, false)
def checkAssociativity(monoid: Monoid[Boolean]): Boolean =
(for {
a <- BooleanValues
b <- BooleanValues
c <- BooleanValues
} yield monoid.combine(monoid.combine(a, b), c) == monoid.combine(a, monoid.combine(b, c))).forall(identity)
def checkIdentityElement(monoid: Monoid[Boolean]): Boolean =
(for { a <- BooleanValues } yield monoid.combine(a, monoid.empty) == a).forall(identity)
def checkMonoidLaws(monoid: Monoid[Boolean]): Boolean =
checkAssociativity(monoid) && checkIdentityElement(monoid)
Exercise 2.4: All Set for Monoids
Set union forms a monoid for sets:
def setUnion[A]: Monoid[Set[A]] = new Monoid[Set[A]] {
def combine(x: Set[A], y: Set[A]): Set[A] = x.union(y)
def empty: Set[A] = Set.empty[A]
Set intersection only forms a semigroup for sets, since we can’t define an
identity element for the general case. In theory, the identity element would be
the set including all instances of the type of elements in the set, but in
practice we can’t produce that for a generic type A
def setIntersection[A]: Semigroup[Set[A]] = new Semigroup[Set[A]] {
def combine(x: Set[A], y: Set[A]): Set[A] = x.intersect(y)
The book’s solutions suggest an additional monoid (symmetric difference), which didn’t occur to me at the time:
def setSymdiff[A]: Monoid[Set[A]] = new Monoid[Set[A]] {
def combine(x: Set[A], y: Set[A]): Set[A] = (x.diff(y)).union(y.diff(x))
def empty: Set[A] = Set.empty[A]
Exercise 2.5.4: Adding All the Things
The exercise is clearly hinting us towards using a monoid, but the first step
can be defined in terms of Int
only. The description doesn’t tell us what we
should do in case of an empty list, but, since we’re in a chapter about monoids,
I assume we want to return the identity element:
def add(items: List[Int]): Int =
items.foldLeft(0)(_ + _)
Changing the code above to also work with Option[Int]
and making sure there is
no code duplication can be achieved by introducing a dependency on a Monoid
import cats.Monoid
def add[A](items: List[A])(implicit monoid: Monoid[A]): A =
With the above in place we continue to be able to add Int
s, but we’re also now
able to add Option[Int]
s, provided we have the appropriate Monoid
in place:
import cats.instances.option._
add(List(1, 2, 3))
// Returns 6.
// Returns 1.
// Returns 0.
add(List(Some(1), Some(2), Some(3), None))
// Returns Some(6).
// Returns Some(1).
// Returns None.
To be able to add Order
instances without making any modifications to add
we can define a Monoid
instance for Order
. In this case, we’re piggybacking
on the Monoid
instance for Double
, but we could’ve implemented the sums and
the production of the identity element directly:
case class Order(totalCost: Double, quantity: Double)
object Order {
implicit val orderMonoid: Monoid[Order] = new Monoid[Order] {
import cats.instances.double._
val doubleMonoid = Monoid[Double]
def combine(x: Order, y: Order): Order =
totalCost = doubleMonoid.combine(x.totalCost, y.totalCost),
quantity = doubleMonoid.combine(x.quantity, y.quantity)
def empty: Order =
totalCost = doubleMonoid.empty,
quantity = doubleMonoid.empty